Property News

What the Tier system Means to Landlords and Tenants in Brighton and Hove

11:56 Oct 19

In this two-minute speed read; we look at what the new tier system means for landlords and people looking to rent in Brighton and Hove. The tier system announced by the Government to combat the increase in Covid-19 cases has caused some c..

Cheer Yourself Up by Creating a Cosy Home

11:29 Oct 19

In this two-minute read, we look at ways to make your Brighton and Hove home a warm, welcoming retreat.   As the nights draw in and the mercury drops, it’s time to take a little inspiration from our Nordic neighbours. ..

Thinking of Selling Your Home? Do These Five Things First

11:06 Oct 14

In this three-minute read, we outline five ways to streamline the home-selling process.   Selling a home can be stressful, but by following a few easy rules at the start of the process, vendors can save themselves time, money, and..

The Biggest Mistake a Landlord in Brighton and Hove Can Make

03:30 Oct 12

In this three-minute read, we look at why a landlord needs a professional mindset, and what can go wrong if emotions cloud your judgment.   There’s a line in the classic film The Godfather that neatly sums up what lan..

How Landlords in Brighton and Hove Can Deal with Nuisance Tenants

02:45 Oct 12

In this three-minute read, we look at how landlords can manage tenants who are noisy, aggressive or destructive. Let’s start with the good news: the vast majority of tenants pay their rent on time and cause their landlords very little, ..

What the Latest Housing Forecast Means for Buyers in Brighton and Hove

02:07 Oct 12

  In this three-minute read, we look at the long-term forecasts for the housing market and what they mean if you’re thinking about moving in Brighton and Hove. After one of the most unusual years on record for the housing indust..


location GK Whites, 165 Lewes Road, Brighton,
East Sussex BN2 3LD

call +44 (01273) 606 060

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