Property News

12:24 May 22

Here's a two-minute dose of positivity to get you through the tenth Feelgood Friday since lockdown. Let's take a moment to celebrate some of the joyous, upbeat, and downright quirky stories that made us smile this week. The Kni..

How the pets of Brighton and Hove are helping people in lockdown

11:12 May 20

In this two-minute read, we look at the ways pets are bringing comfort, companionship, and calmness to people across Brighton and Hove and what you can do to help your furry friends in return. It’s often said the UK is made up of animal..

Landlords in Brighton and Hove urged to get ready for a rental rush

10:52 May 20

In this three-minute read, we look at the high levels of activity expected to return to the lettings market in Brighton and Hove and the extra hygiene and social distancing measure we’re putting in pla..

Is this how moving in Brighton and Hove will look after lockdown?

11:47 May 18

In this three-minute read, we investigate whether the home moving regulations announced in England last week will shape the way things are done in Brighton and Hove post lockdown. On Wednesday last week, it was announced that estate agen..

Reasons to be cheerful in Brighton and Hove this Feelgood Friday

11:33 May 15

It's the eighth Feelgood Friday since lockdown, and this week we have something for everyone. A two-minute positivity filled read. As we enter a different phase in life under lockdown, we're starting to feel more positive about the future..

How Landlords in Brighton and Hove can reduce the risks of tenancy disputes

02:13 May 14

In this three-minute read, we look at ways, landlords can reduce the risk of tenancy disputes now, and when lockdown ends. There’s plenty of talk in the news about the possibility of the lockdown being eased across some industries. T..


location GK Whites, 165 Lewes Road, Brighton,
East Sussex BN2 3LD

call +44 (01273) 606 060

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