Property News
Why Brighton and Hove Landlords Shouldn’t Ignore Tenants’ Texts or Calls
When a tenant gets in touch, don’t faff about – a prompt response will save you time and money in the long run. A three-minute read. Picture this: you’re frantically busy at work, scrambling to meet an urgent dea..
Should I Rent My Brighton and Hove Property to Family Members?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you rent your property to family or friends. Do they need to sign a tenancy agreement? Yes, yes, and yes again! They might..
How to Be a Stress-Free First-Time Buyer in Brighton and Hove
Taking that first step on the property ladder is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. No matter how old you are, buying your first property will make you feel like a proper grown-up. Before you even find the right property, ..
Managing Joint Tenancies: Four Tips for Brighton and Hove Landlords
When they run smoothly, joint tenancies can be a good source of income for landlords. This three-minute read explains how to get the best out of them. Joint tenancies are a great way for friends or couples to live together and s..
How You Can Stop Feeling Stressed in Brighton and Hove
Whichever way you look at it, modern life is stressful. And the 2020s? Well so far, this new decade has caused unparalleled levels of stress. Whether it’s the pressure of daily life, the juggling of responsibilities, or the s..
Is Your Brighton and Hove Mortgage Environmentally Friendly?
If you’re taking out a new mortgage or about to refinance your property, have you considered a green mortgage? No? Never heard of it? Well, that’s what we’re here for. A green mortgage is not actually new. In fact, the co..